that I need to update! I don't even know where to start! Miss Madison turned 10 months last Wednesday, and is becoming less of a baby and more of a little girl each day. I was looking at some of her pictures from our cruise, and I couldn't get over how much she's changed in just those 3 short months. It's amazing to me how old I thought she looked then, and now looking back, how young she looked!! She was still a baby, now she's my (almost) toddler!
She's now crawling at an alarming rate of speed! She's everywhere and into everything! She loves to get Zoey's dishes out and throw them around. Apparently the metal hitting the wood floor is appealing to her ears! She's also pulling herself up at every opportunity and standing on her own more often and for longer periods of time each day. Last night she almost took a step, but decided to plop down and crawl instead. Which I am quite OK with...I'm not sure I'm ready for her to be a walker yet...that would just solidify that I have a more baby. I'm not ready to let my baby grow up, yet!
At 10 months:
* Weighs 19 lbs 7 oz (at her check-up on 7/20/09)
*28 inches long (same check-up)
*Eating 2-3 8 ounce bottles a day (1 in the morning, 1 around 2 or 3, and 1 before bed)
*Eating anything you put on her tray!
*Her favorites include bananas, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, turkey dogs, corn,
*Babbling like crazy!! She loves to talk.
*Dada – starting to figure out that “Dada” is Daddy
*Mama – not sure if were at “Mama” = Mommy yet…
*Dodo/Dod – Doggie
*“I did it”
*“I got it”
*Sounded like she was saying “Hey Dude” this weekend…seeing as though we both say
that to her a lot so it wouldn't be surprising!
*Many more sounds that mean a lot to her but Mommy and Daddy are still trying to figure
out exactly what they mean!
*Pulling herself up on anything and everything...the girl loves to stand!
*Cruising like a pro!
*Standing on her own
*Clapping – she loves to clap for herself!
*Pointing at things...sometimes what she wants, sometimes just to point!
*Still sleeping 12-13 hours a night
*But still not really napping…½ hour here, ½ hour there…
*Loves the water!! She would stay in the pool all day if we’d let her I think! She’s not afraid at all. She crawled from Grandma’s chair to the pool the other day and would have gone in if Grandma would have let her! Seriously…no fear!
*Is really starting to love her doggies! She lets them out of their cages every morning and when we get home in the afternoon. Nugget doesn’t really want anything to do with her, but Zoey will let her crawl all over her, which Madison L.O.V.E.S. to do!! She uses Zoey to pull herself up, pulling Zoey’s ears and fur in the process, but Zoey just lets her. She’s so good with her!
*Loves her Ball Popper. She knows she has to push the red button to get the balls to pop up. She also likes to put anything she can find down the hole.
*Loves her Activity Table. She loves to turn the pages of the book back and forth! She also likes to take the phone off and carry it with her, stopping every once in a while to shake it (it rattles), smile and be on her way!
We are just loving this little princess so much!! She is a funny little girl, and such a joy to be around. We are truly blessed with an amazing little lady!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
Awww... very cute! They definitely change so quickly!
No way! She was just born yesterday! I can't believe how much she's grown. Madison is just gorgeous! I'm so glad have that blogging feeling back so I can read mor updates! WOW! So amazing!
oh man, one year is right around the corner. how did that happen. kids are such assholes they are supposed to stay little and quiet forever gosh!
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