Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Just so we're all on the same page....

I am NOT pregnant again!! After reading the comments from the post I posted earlier today, I figured I'd better just put that thought to rest before you read the post remembering finding out a year ago today that I was pregnant with Madison! :-)

How lives change!

I stared hard at the clock, willing it to move. I had one minute left. On the other side of the bathroom door lay a stick that had the potential to change our lives forever. After what seemed like hours, the clock finally moved. I opened the door slowly, picked it up, and saw:
“Uh, honey!” I called to Tony who was in the other room on the computer.
“Are you pregnant?” he asked so nonchalantly
“I...I think so…” I whispered. “There’s two pink lines, and according to this thing that means pregnant.”
“Go to CVS and get another one…I know you want to.”

And that’s exactly what I did. I hopped in the car and prayed the entire way (all 5 minutes!) to CVS.
“Lord, I have no idea why this is your perfect timing. I know it is…you don’t make mistakes. But are you sure this is really the best time. I mean, I don’t really have a job; I’m just temping at that place. Once that’s over, who’s going to hire a pregnant lady? I’m not saying I don’t trust you, Lord; I’m just saying I really don’t understand the timing, and if you could let me in on your reasoning, that would be great!”

By the time I got back to the pregnancy tests, I was shaking. I was so excited, but scare out of my mind at the same time! I got the digital one, and took it to the counter. “Is this a good thing?” the cashier asked. I think she could see my shaking.
“Yeah…yeah. It just happened a lot quicker than we thought it would.” My Christmas present had been baby Colts stuff. That’s how Tony told me we could start trying to get pregnant. It was now February 4. Just over a month later. It’s not supposed to happen that quickly.

I got home, took the test, and started the waiting game all over again. After another hour (ok, two minutes), I opened the bathroom door again, picked it up, and saw:
I didn’t say a word. I walked into the room where Tony was, and just showed him. He got the biggest smile on his face that I’ve ever seen! “We’re having a baby.” He said. And we were!

3 weeks later, I saw this on the monitor at the doctor’s office:
And it all became so real!

11 weeks later, I took my first belly picture:
A week later, “Feety” became “Madison”:
16 weeks later, we saw her smile:
8 weeks later, I was ready to pop:
And then on October 5, 2008, she stole our hearts:
And just 5 days ago, she stole my heart again:
A year ago today, I had no idea what it felt like to be a mommy…but today I can’t remember what it felt like to NOT be a mommy!