Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


First Bath!

We gave Maddie her first bath Saturday night. She actually did pretty well. There weren't too many tears!!

I know I haven't been posting much, but as I'm sure you already Mommy's know...there's so much to do!!! And my mom has been here all week, so even when Maddie's sleeping, I've been spending time with her. Monday will be my first day alone with Madison, and I'm a little nervous, but I know I'll do OK. Hopefully that will open up more time for blogging during her naps, and especially catching up on blogs!! I started to read a couple today, and realized I just didn't have the time to get caught up today!! I feel like I've missed out so much on every one's lives...pathetic, I know!

Madison has been sleeping really well at night! Wednesday night she was only up once, and every other night it's only been twice. But usually the second time is between 5:30 and 6:30, so I guess you could really say she's only up once! We have found that giving her the bottle at night keeps her up, though. I've been breastfeeding and pumping so daddy could help with some of the feedings at night, but both nights we've given her the bottle she's then been up for an hour or so after; so I think, at least for now, we're going to nix the bottle at night. Maybe give it to her in the evening when we want her to stay awake!

I'm being summoned to eat, so hopefully next week I can start being better about updates, and pictures!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the new blog and the cute pictures. You will do fine on your own.. maybe even get more rest! Madison looks like she is doing great... Darleen Wright