Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Why now?

I just found out I'm without a computer for 7-10 days...don't the people at Best Buy know that I'm going to have a baby in that time, and my wonderful blogging friends must have pictures ASAP?! Don't they know I'm off work all week next week, and now I have no computer on which to read my blogs? And can someone please explain to my wonderful husband why this is such a big deal? I know in the huge scheme of the world, it's not...but in my little piece of the world, it's HUGE! I just wish I could make him understand that without him telling me that it wasn't the end of the world. Yes, I'm fully aware that there are much worse things that could have happened, but I just wish he understood that it IS a big deal to me, and little sympathy (fake or not) would be appreciated!


39 Weeks and a Date!

The nurse called me today to let me know I was on the schedule for an induction on Saturday, October 4. The plan is to go in Friday night to start the Cervadil (to soften my cervix), stay overnight, and begin the induction on Saturday morning. We're supposed to go in at 7:30 Friday evening, but we have to call an hour before to make sure there's a room available. I really hope this works out because it works so well with every one's schedule! My mom wouldn't have to miss any work for the delivery, and Tony and I would have the first week home by ourselves before my mom came down the following week to help out. Of course, she is our child, so who knows what she has planned! :-) I leave you with the 39 week belly!


Merry Christmas to me...just a little early :-)

I got a call from my husband on Saturday afternoon telling me that he had bought my Christmas present...and that he was giving it to me when he got home. I asked him why I was getting my Christmas present in September, but he told me that I would understand when I saw what it was. He came in the house carrying this bag...

Which I found this box inside...
And when I opened the box, I found this...

My wonderful husband, who spoils me WAY to much, bought me the new Coach diaper/tote bag. He knew I wasn't happy with the one from Pottery Barn, and this is how he solved it. A little over the top, yes, but I guess that's why I love him. The man would do anything to make me happy...whether its buy me something like this, or just be where I need him, when I need him. I couldn't have asked for a man to take better care of me than he does! I love him so much, and can't wait for Madison to be here to see him as "Daddy" as well as "Babe."

Speaking of Madison, I had my 39 week appointment this morning. My blood pressure is great, weight is great (15-16 pounds gained so far), and she was quite the show-off. Every time my doctor would start to put the Doppler on to get her heartbeat, she would do one of her stretches, and "kick" it off. I was measuring small, so my doctor had me get another ultrasound to make sure that she was growing OK. U/S tech said she's healthy, just little. She measured her at about 6 pounds, 2 ounces, which is apparently in the 19th percentile. So we have a little one on our hands, but I figure as long as she's healthy, I don't mind!

My doctor let me know that if I was still pregnant next week, then I would be put on the schedule for an induction that weekend (October 3-5). So it looks like it will be a little less than 2 weeks (at the most) before the little squirt is here! It's so surreal to have a "date" set. I'm so excited, but even more anxious now. I started to pack my bag tonight...but there's so much stuff that I will need up until the time we go to the hospital, I don't feel like I did much. I just have some sweats, t-shirts, hoodie, undergarments, slippers, and flip-flops in there now...what else do I need?? I can at least pack the video camera, but I can't pack my still camera until that day...

I'll post 39 week photos tomorrow...


Who will blog?

I was thinking the other day that I would probably have my friend Kim blog Madison's arrival. We don't have a laptop, so I'll probably just have her log on and let everyone know. I'm not sure if there will be pictures right away because she lives in Cleveland, and depending on when she's born, we may be home from the hospital before she can get to Indy. But hopefully she will at least be able to get on and blog her arrival!


Some pictures from the shower last week...

I know this picture is horrible of Tony, but I love this sweater! :-)

He really liked that dress

Her bassinet filled with goodies from Aunt Tammy, Uncle David, and Sarah.

The wonderful ladies at Tony's church threw us a shower last Saturday. We were blessed with even more pink and frilly outfits, and blankets! OMW, the blankets!! This child will never be cold! We now have all the big things we need. I'm headed to Babies R Us in a little bit to get the little stuff we still need, but we have been so blessed by people's generosity, we won't have to spend too much of our own money! Thank you God for wonderful friends and family!!


An update on the ice cream...

They are both AMAZING! If you've had the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard from DQ, and enjoyed will definitely enjoy the pumpkin ice cream. The only thing I wish it had was pieces of pumpkin pie, but it's still amazing! The apple pie one is like eating apple pie a la mode! There's pieces of apple and pie crust in the ice cream...just divine!


Dear Madison...

My dear sweet Madison,

As I sit here tonight feeling you stretching inside my belly, I marvel at how amazing God is. You started out so microscopic, and now are close to 6 pounds! I first discovered you were growing inside me as two pink lines and the word "pregnant" appeared on the pregnancy tests. I was in shock! I was scared to death! But most of all, I was excited beyond belief! I didn't know at the time if you were "Madison" or "Baby Boy" (since Daddy and I hadn't agreed on a boys name), but I already loved you. Today, I love you so much more than I could have ever imagined, and I know my love for you is going to grow ten-fold the moment I see your face for the first time! I'm almost afraid my heart will burst, knowing how much love I feel for you now; I can't fully understand how I can love you even more!

That first time I felt you move will forever be etched in my memory. It was just a small flutter so I wasn't sure if it was you, or my mind playing tricks on me. But a couple minutes later, I felt you again...and then again, and I knew that was my baby moving! Ever since that day, you have been a mover! Your movements are usually not subtle either! You like me to know you're there! And even though you have hurt me a couple times, I am so happy that I get to feel every movement you make. Selfishly, I am really going to miss knowing your every movement after you are born. For the past 20 weeks, or so, I have known every movement you have made, felt every hiccup you've had, and it makes me a little sad to know that in a couple weeks, I won't know every time you move.

The day we found out you were "Madison" I was beyond ecstatic! I really was OK either way, but I know deep down, I really wanted a little princess, and I was so happy to know that I was getting my wish! I went out and bought you some clothes the very next day! I had been dieing to buy you clothes before, so I didn't waste anytime after Mommy and Daddy found out. Neither did Grandma! You'll soon learn that Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy love to buy clothes...your closet is so full, I'm kind of worried you won't be able to wear everything! But I can't wait to try!

I want to tell you a little bit about your Daddy, Maddie. He is the most amazing man in the world. You are so lucky to have him as your Daddy, and I don't want you to ever forget that! He will love you more than you will ever know! You are already his little princess, and I know that he can't wait to spoil you even more like one! Your Daddy is the most caring and loving man you will meet. He takes such good care of me, so I know what good care he'll take of you. I will warn you that sometimes you will think he's being a little (or WAY TOO) overprotective, but I assure you, it's only because he loves you so much, and doesn't want anything to happen to you. Please try to take it as a compliment, and be thankful that you have a Daddy who cares so much about you. I promise to try and keep him reasonable, but I can't make any promises! I pray that when you meet your Prince Charming, he is just like your Daddy. I want someone who loves you like your Daddy loves me; who takes care of you like your Daddy takes care of me; and of course who can tease you in the loving way that only your Daddy can to me! God gave you the best Daddy there is, and please don't ever forget that!

Madison, I love being your sole provider, and being the only one aware of some of your movements, but I know that is going to change very soon. I am ready to share you with the rest of world, but I am going to cherish, deeply, these last few weeks with you. I love you more than you'll ever know!




I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

I went to Wal-Mart for bread and milk...I got bread and milk, and some other things :-) I knew I was almost out of Cookies & Cream ice cream (not something we want to happen!), so I went to the freezer aisle...and these two tubs of ice cream jumped into my cart. I didn't want to hurt their feelings, so I let them come home with me! I can't wait to enjoy them!!! Don't judge, I'm 9 months pregnant, and Edy's slow churn is the one thing I've allowed myself to indulge in this pregnancy...nothing like having options! :-)

37 Weeks...

I only have 2 1/2 weeks of work left...seems unreal! The temp that is coming in while I'm on maternity leave starts Monday (if we've found the right person by then). It just all seems to be happening too fast! I'm not ready. Her room looks like a tornado went through...I'm just so tired when I get home, the last thing I want to do is hang things up, organize things, or just be on my feet in general. I really just want to curl up on the couch and watch my shows on's much more relaxing!! I have a shower at work tomorrow, and one at Tony's church on Saturday. My mom and Andrew will be down Friday night, so at least I'll have her here to help me put that stuff away Saturday afternoon and Sunday. But I need to at least put away the stuff from the last shower before they get here...that gives me two days. I guess I need to step it up!
One thing I can be thankful for is how great I feel. I never imagined I would still feel this good at 37 weeks! I can only hope the next 3-4 weeks are this comfortable! I haven't had any Braxton Hicks contractions, haven't had any trouble falling (or staying) asleep, am only getting up once (on the rare night twice) a night to pee. This has been way easier than I could have imagined! I hope labor and delivery go this smoothly!


Updates finally

I've added three updates finally! One for my baby shower, one for Labor Day, and one for my eventful Friday!


What a day!

I'm walking to lunch today, taking in the sights and sounds of the Colts Pep Rally that's taking place on the circle. I'm trying to decide what I want for lunch, and decide the ham and pineapple sandwich from the Great Steak and Potato Company at the mall sounds good. I walk the rest of the way around the circle. I decide to cross Meridian street before I get to the corner since they have it blocked off, and I won't have to wait. I'm making my way across when I feel the toe of my shoe catch on something. A brick, a wire from the band, not sure, but what I do know is I'm tripping and going forward quick. I feel like I've caught myself, when I realize, "I'm going to fall in front of all these people!"
And that's exactly what happens. I catch myself with my hands for the most part, but I do hit the bump on the ground a little bit. I think I scrape it more than hit it, but of course I still start to kind of freak out. I remind myself that I need to stay calm for Madison's sake, and keep walking, red-faced, to the mall. As soon as I get there, I head to the bathroom to assess the damage to the skin of my belly. Just a little red, so I decide to go get something to eat. I know I need to call the doctor, but I also know they will ask if I'm feeling movement, and honestly she's never very active right before lunch anyway. I know the only way to know for sure if there is a decrease in fetal movement is to eat, and wait. So I get my food, eat, and wait. I decide to start reading my book while waiting; about 10 minutes go by, and my book starts to jump. I've never been so happy to feel kicks! I decide to finish my lunch and call the doctor once I get back to work.
I call the doctor and talk the nurse, knowing very well that she's going to tell me to go to Labor & Delivery to get monitored. So off I head to the hospital. I get there a little before 3, have to fill out some paper work, then get told to go have a seat. The nurse calls me back, and warns me that my doctor could order the 4 hour ops, so I could be there until 7, but since I am still feeling her move, haven't had any bleeding or contracting, I should be out of there in an hour or so. She hooks up the monitors, and tells me she'll be back in about an hour to check on me. I read a little, watch some pointless TV, and wait for her to come back. She comes back, lets me know "baby is looking good!" and I'm not contracting at all, but that my doctor wants the 4 hour ops. I have some feelings of being blessed that my doctor cares that much, but more annoyance that I have to be there for another 3 hours. Silver lining, though, she ordered an ultrasound, so I'll get to see the little booger again!
2 hours later, they finally come get me for my ultrasound. On the way down, the nurse tells me that all the tests look great! I do a little happy dance in my wheelchair thinking I should get to go home soon! I go down, u/s tech does what she needs to do (get confirmation, once again, that she is in fact a "she"!). All while thinking I'll get to go home after she's finished. (Found out Madison's weighing in at about 5 1/2 pounds right now. I guess that puts her on the smaller side of "normal" for this far along...I like small!) Anyway, she calls back up to L&D to tell them they can come get me, while I get back in the wheelchair to wait.
New nurse comes down to get me, and takes me back to my room. She tells me she's not going to hook me up just yet until she talks to the other nurse that was monitoring me. First nurse comes back in, and gives me the wonderful news that there's still one more test result the doctor wants, so it's time to get hooked back up again. Oh goodie!! 45 minutes later, a new nurse comes in to tell me she's replacing Misty (apparently my first nurse; I'm sure she told me her name, I just didn't listen!), and that they have the test results she wanted so she's going to call my doctor and make sure that was all she wanted. 10 minutes later, she walks in, takes the monitors off, tells me to sign some paper basically saying I'll call them if I'm in labor (well, duh!), and tells me I can go. So finally at 7:50 pm, I walk out of the hospital. I arrived around 3...FIVE HOURS!!! I know I did the right thing by going in and getting monitored, but holy crap! Five hours!
So to wrap up, I fell, went to L&D, they knew after an hour she was fine, but I stayed for another 4 just to make sure, Madison's still Madison, and mommy needs to be more careful while walking!

Labor Day Fun

Tony had to work all day on Labor Day, so I stayed up at my mom's for an extra night. We decided to take advantage of the nice weather, and go play some Putt-Putt. I was not too thrilled to be going, as I'm not very good. But the first game, I WON!!! But I was back to form on the second game when I came in last...a very distant last! I still had a lot of fun, though! Here are some pics from the day.

Mom getting ready to sink on in!

Andrew "teeing" off!

My hole-in-one!

Proof that I rock! (well at least on the first game I did...I think I finished with a 51 on the second game! OOPS!)

Andrew getting eaten by the alligator...or maye its a crocodile...who knows!

Baby Shower

Last Saturday, my Aunt Debb, cousins Stefanie and Stacie, and my two best friends Erica and Kim threw me a baby shower. The food was wonderful, the cake was tasty, and the presents were plentiful! I can't thank God enough for the wonderful family and friends I have been blessed with!! Just wanted to share some of the pictures!

The food, along with the Feeding and Bathing "stations" from Kim and Erica

Cake and cupcakes made by my Aunt Kathy


My mom, ME, Tony's mom

Me with my cousin Stefanie

Me with my cousin Stacie

Erica and me...two hot mommas!

Kim and roomies and best friends!

We got so much stuff for Madison! I'm still trying to figure out where it's all going to go! I still have two more showers (one at work, and one at Tony's church). It's wonderful being this blessed, but it's kinda stressful! (Which I mean in the best way possible!!) I told Tony last night that we better hope when we decide to have a second child that it's a girl! That way we won't have to buy much!!


36 Week DA

I had my 36 week doctor appointment today. Along with that came the dreaded Group B Strep test, and the start of my cervical checks. Glad to report, neither was bad. A tad uncomfortable, but not painful! I got more good news when my doctor told me once you go over 40 weeks, they schedule an induction! Hallelujah!! Knowing a week is all she'll let me go over is so re-assuring! I also found out there CAN be three people in the room during delivery!! I'm so happy knowing that both my mom and his mom will be there to share in our joy as soon as little Madison is born! Madison is still head down (YAY!), and my cervix is strong, with little to no dialation yet. I am perfectly OK with that. I really don't want her to come early. I think I'm in the minority of most pregnant women in saying that, but I really love being pregnant, and honestly, I want to enjoy all 40 weeks of it! (Hopefully I'm feeling the same way in a couple weeks!) Here are the much anticipated 36 week pictures (I know you're all constantly checking to see if I've put them up yet...right? hehe)


Someday I'll catch up...

I have multiple things to post...just no time. I have to write about my baby shower this weekend (absolutely amazing!), Putt-Putt on Labor Day, 36 Week pic, and our 3 year anniversary (which is today!!) So for now, I'll just leave you with a wonderful picture of us on our wedding day:
I promise posts are coming soon...there's just a lot to do right now. Hopefully I'll have pictures of Maddie's room soon, too!