Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Madison's First Thanksgiving

So happy!
Not so thrilled with all the pictures!
It was a long day for her!
We have had Thanksgiving at our house since we got married, and I love it. It's so nice to not have to go anywhere! I order the turkey and some sides from Boston Market, stick the turkey in the oven for a couple hours, put the sides in the microwave, and we're done! Madison was really good all day! I was a little worried with so many people over that she would get a little over stimulated, but she was a trooper! This year was harder than I thought it was going to be. It was the first Thanksgiving without Grandpa, and that was rough for me. I guess that's why God gave me Madison this year, so I would have someone to be so thankful for, it would help to take my mind off of Grandpa not being here. I just really wish he could have held her...
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year, and didn't stuff themselves too full! Madison's 2 month post is coming...I just can't believe next Friday she will be 2 months already! It's amazing how some days can seem to creep by, but the weeks FLY by!



I love this little girl so much! What in the world did I do before her?! I promise a real post is coming soon, but I had to show off the cuteness that is my daughter!


She's quite advanced :-)

Sitting in her bumbo chair at 6 weeks...not that I'm trying to brag on her or anything! :-)


Thank you so much for the encouraging comments and emails about my last post! I can't even begin to express how much better I felt after reading that other people went/are going through the same thing! It's amazing what "friends" I have made through this blog! Thank you again!


So sleepy!

Just thought this was too cute not to share!


Can I be honest...

I know in my last post I said I didn't mind that Madison always wanted me...but I have to ask if it's ok to be brutally honest here. I guess since it's my blog, I can, but no judging allowed! It is wearing me down always having to be around her! I feel like I can't do anything, whether its in the house, or out of the house, because she'll just cry with Tony. I love being home with her, and would do just about anything to not have to go back to work at the beginning of the year, but the pressure of being so "needed" is starting to really break me down. I'm exhausted from getting up to feed her at night (as much as I love staring into her eyes as she nurses), and then having to be right there all day, even when Tony has the day off! I know motherhood is a 24/7/365 job, but I feel like I can't even clean, do laundry, or even eat unless she's sleeping! And let me tell you, she isn't a big napper during the day. She takes more cat naps than anything, so that doesn't really allow me to get much done.

I wish I knew how to get her "used" to Daddy holding her. Most of the time he holds her, she screams. Not cries, but blood curdling screams. It breaks my heart, but obviously not nearly as much as it breaks his! After a couple minutes, he just hands her to me because he can't take it anymore, and usually (not always) she quits within five minutes. I know she's going to be more attached to me since I'm home with her all day, and the fact that I nurse her, but it just seems a little extreme. He tries to help out some mornings by taking her and trying to give her the bottle. She'll drink an ounce or so, and then just scream. I don't understand why she won't take the bottle from him. She takes it for Grandma, Nanny, and even me! I would think that if she wasn't going to take it from someone, it would be me! I just don't know what to do, but I honestly feel like a single parent at times. Not because I don't have a husband who's willing to help out because I know he wants to SO BAD! but because she won't let him help! I'm so overwhelmed, and its starting to affect our marriage. I'm just so tired all the time, both physically and emotionally, that by the time he gets home, I've already started to shut down.

He told me the other morning that he missed the old me...that cut really deep. I didn't realize I was this bad. I wish he knew how much I miss the old me...not the "not-mom me", but the happy me. I just feel like I'm on the verge of tears all the time. Any little thing can send me into tears; I'm so worn out! I know it will get better. She's only a little over a month old...But how much longer can he deal with me like this? Is it normal to wonder if we really made the right decision at the right time? That makes me sound like a horrible mom, but that's not how I mean it. I love this little girl so much, I ache when I think about it. It hurts how much I love her! But I sometimes question God and his timing...was I REALLY ready to be a mom?? I mean, I guess since we got pregnant so fast, and all the circumstances that were going on at the time that I got pregnant, it's pretty obvious that we were ready at this exact time. But that makes me ask God, why is it so hard?! What lesson are you trying to teach me? Please just send a sign...and when I say sign, I'm thinking something like a billboard!

This post just made me feel like a horrible mother...please realize that I wouldn't trade where I am for anything, I just needed to get some of these feelings out! I know this was kind of a jumbled mess, but I just let whatever I was thinking be written. I have to go get the little miss...she's done with the swing and Daddy's playing basketball (please don't even let me get started on how I feel about this!)


Happy One Month, Madison!

I really can't believe Madison has been here for a month already! It seems like we just found out she was a girl, and now we've had her in our arms for a month! She has changed so much in this short time, it's unbelievable! The funniest thing to me is the loss of hair! She still has most of it in the back, but in the front, and on's quite thin! I was watching Everybody Loves Raymond the other night, and told my mom that she was going to look like Frank pretty soon!

This month has been easier than I thought it was going to be! It's true that your "mother's instinct" just starts as soon as that baby is placed in your arms for the first time. There are definitely times when I wish she could just tell me why she's screaming because I know all of her needs are met, but for the most part, I usually feel like I know what she needs. She is definitely a Mommy's girl right now. She loves Daddy, Grandma, and Nanny, but she seems to feel best and safest with me. (and of course I'm not complaining!) As much fun as this month has been, I kinda have to admit that I'm ready for her to be 3-4 months...when I feel like we can "play" more. I know everyone tells you to cherish every moment that they're this little, and I do, but I think I'm more of a "baby mom" than a "newborn mom".
She has been cooing and smiling a lot more lately, though. The other night Tony and I just stood over her on her changing table, and she talked and talked to was the sweetest thing! Some people think she's starting to look more like Tony, but every day I see more of me in her than the day before! She definitely has Daddy's cheeks, but she looks almost identical to my baby pictures. As long as she gets Daddy's gorgeous blue eyes, I'm happy! And they seem to get more blue everyday, so cross your fingers!
Sorry this post is all over the place, but I'm just trying to get it written before she wakes up again!

Madison in her swing at 2 days old

Madison in her swing at one month...what a difference!