Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


She's quite advanced :-)

Sitting in her bumbo chair at 6 weeks...not that I'm trying to brag on her or anything! :-)



She is advanced! I hadn't even thought to get mine out of the package yet. You've encouraged me! We'd love to do lunch. Are you free either this Thursday or next Tuesday or Thursday? Let me know and these pictures are too cute! She is getting so big!

JulieAnn said...

OMG could she get any cuter???

Thanks for the honest post the other day... I really appreciated what you had to say.

Cindy said...

Brag away, you have earned it!
She is so very pretty and squishy and perfect!

Lainey-Paney said...

okay...I'm caught up on the blog. yes, she looks so cute in all of the pictures!

...the serious, OH My GAWD, I'm so tired-mom post...
you are not a horrible mom.
infants are hard.
I swore for the first year that Gage would be an only child.
You need to get out of the house. If you are nursing---girl, take your pump with you.
Hubby needs some home alone duty meaning: you're not there, but lord knows you need to have his mom, or your mom there with him. Why? because the screaming may really get to him! And surely you love him enough not to intentionally subject him to a 4 hour scream/cry fest without arranging for backup!

I went back to work when Gage was 8 weeks old. For a while, I worked 64 hours a week, and attended school. So, you can imagine how difficult it was on all of us. The best thing I did for my son & husband, was to force them into getting along without me. Sure, Gage preferred to nurse over having a bottle. We got into a routine of: mommy feeds, daddy burps. During the night: daddy got up with Gage, changed his diaper, and brought him to me. I nursed him, and Daddy put him back to bed.

You're not a bad mom for saying, "this is so much harder than I expected."
You're not a bad mom for saying, "this is different than I expected."

Erica said...

Ryan did the same thing at that age! I put him in like a few weeks old :) I swear it's the best thing, he sat up all on his own w/ nothing supporting by at 5 months! i thinks she'll do the same!