Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Madison's First Thanksgiving

So happy!
Not so thrilled with all the pictures!
It was a long day for her!
We have had Thanksgiving at our house since we got married, and I love it. It's so nice to not have to go anywhere! I order the turkey and some sides from Boston Market, stick the turkey in the oven for a couple hours, put the sides in the microwave, and we're done! Madison was really good all day! I was a little worried with so many people over that she would get a little over stimulated, but she was a trooper! This year was harder than I thought it was going to be. It was the first Thanksgiving without Grandpa, and that was rough for me. I guess that's why God gave me Madison this year, so I would have someone to be so thankful for, it would help to take my mind off of Grandpa not being here. I just really wish he could have held her...
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year, and didn't stuff themselves too full! Madison's 2 month post is coming...I just can't believe next Friday she will be 2 months already! It's amazing how some days can seem to creep by, but the weeks FLY by!


Lainey-Paney said...

what a fabulous little outfit you have for her too.

1st events without someone are rough. I'm glad that God has given you that sweet little angel to distract you & help you see his joy & promises.
