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Happy One Month, Madison!

I really can't believe Madison has been here for a month already! It seems like we just found out she was a girl, and now we've had her in our arms for a month! She has changed so much in this short time, it's unbelievable! The funniest thing to me is the loss of hair! She still has most of it in the back, but in the front, and on's quite thin! I was watching Everybody Loves Raymond the other night, and told my mom that she was going to look like Frank pretty soon!

This month has been easier than I thought it was going to be! It's true that your "mother's instinct" just starts as soon as that baby is placed in your arms for the first time. There are definitely times when I wish she could just tell me why she's screaming because I know all of her needs are met, but for the most part, I usually feel like I know what she needs. She is definitely a Mommy's girl right now. She loves Daddy, Grandma, and Nanny, but she seems to feel best and safest with me. (and of course I'm not complaining!) As much fun as this month has been, I kinda have to admit that I'm ready for her to be 3-4 months...when I feel like we can "play" more. I know everyone tells you to cherish every moment that they're this little, and I do, but I think I'm more of a "baby mom" than a "newborn mom".
She has been cooing and smiling a lot more lately, though. The other night Tony and I just stood over her on her changing table, and she talked and talked to was the sweetest thing! Some people think she's starting to look more like Tony, but every day I see more of me in her than the day before! She definitely has Daddy's cheeks, but she looks almost identical to my baby pictures. As long as she gets Daddy's gorgeous blue eyes, I'm happy! And they seem to get more blue everyday, so cross your fingers!
Sorry this post is all over the place, but I'm just trying to get it written before she wakes up again!

Madison in her swing at 2 days old

Madison in her swing at one month...what a difference!


Anonymous said...

She looks gorgeous and healthy. I can totally see the difference in a month. I am so happy for you that you re enjoying motherhood. Its so sweet to read your post. I want to go hug my mom :)

Get some rest when she does.

Happy 1 month Madison!

Lainey-Paney said...

Oh, you guys may be like us. No matter what stage we were in, we would say, "Oh, this is the BEST age"....then Gage would start crawling, "Oh, THIS is the best age..." then he'd be walking & interacting EVEN more, and we'd be convinced that THIS was the best age.

I can say this: each age has some major advantages & some disadvantages. They are all the best, and just different.

Isn't it just amazing how much they change in a month?