Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Well good for you!

Dear "I'm better than you" in accounting,
That is very neat that you completely cut caffeine out of your diet after once drinking 6 Mountain Dews a day. That is a noble accomplishment. However, don't even try to make me feel bad for still having a pop (with caffeine! The horror!) with my lunch everyday even though I'm pregnant. If you're talking 6 cans, that's only 72 ounces, and I can guarantee I used to drink more caffeine than that in a day, so I think I'm doing pretty well having cut it down to one medium sized soda at lunch. Don't tell me 2-3 cans a day is too much when my doctor already told me it was fine. I think I will listen more to my doctor than to your annoying nasally voice. Thank you for your "concern" but it's really not needed, nor wanted.


Lindz said...


Unknown said...

Kick her in the face!!

Anonymous said...

People are so freaking inappropriate! When our parents had us they didn't even track caffeine intake and we turned out ok. DUH! Needs to mind his business.

Lainey-Paney said...

I didn't cut out caffeine completely.

I drank 1/2 caf coffee, and a Dr.Pepper a few times a week.

Cindy said...

I had 2 diet pepsis every single day of my pregnancy...totally approved by my doctor.
There are always people that want to tell you what you should and should not do when you're pregnant. Unfortunately it gets worse when the kids arrive.
You enjoy those sodas!