Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Yep! She's definitely ours!

We had our second 3D ultrasound last night, and once again, she proved that she is DEFINITELY our daughter! :-) She had her hands up by her face the entire time, and would NOT move them! Luckily they weren't covering her face completely so we still got some cute pictures!
Hands by the face...
BIG smile!
We're going to have to teach her that we don't pick our noses! HEHE!
So sleepy!
She's just so cute!
With her eye open

Looks like she has a small dimple! (at the arrow)

I'm so happy we got to go back a second time, and see how much she's grown, but it just makes me want her here NOW that much worse!!! Right now I think she looks more like Daddy, but that could just be those cheeks throwing me off! :-) I'm still in awe of how cool this 3D ultrasound thing is! It makes me really wonder what new and different thing they'll have when we have our next one...and when we become grandparents (as Tony said "At least 40 years from now!" hehe!)

Sorry this post was so picture heavy, but I can't help myself!! What will I be like after she's born?! :-)


Lindz said...

GUH so exciting! It is unbelievable what they can do now. That dimple is killer.

Anonymous said...

OMG! How cute is she!! She looks like she's smiling in the second picture and the yawn in the other. I'm so excited for you guys.

Brett the Jet!!! I still can't get over it. OMG! I hope he's still got it and can make Brady sweat a bit. Of course I always root for the Colts unless they play the Jets. I think you can understand that! LOL