Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker


Merry Christmas to me...just a little early :-)

I got a call from my husband on Saturday afternoon telling me that he had bought my Christmas present...and that he was giving it to me when he got home. I asked him why I was getting my Christmas present in September, but he told me that I would understand when I saw what it was. He came in the house carrying this bag...

Which I found this box inside...
And when I opened the box, I found this...

My wonderful husband, who spoils me WAY to much, bought me the new Coach diaper/tote bag. He knew I wasn't happy with the one from Pottery Barn, and this is how he solved it. A little over the top, yes, but I guess that's why I love him. The man would do anything to make me happy...whether its buy me something like this, or just be where I need him, when I need him. I couldn't have asked for a man to take better care of me than he does! I love him so much, and can't wait for Madison to be here to see him as "Daddy" as well as "Babe."

Speaking of Madison, I had my 39 week appointment this morning. My blood pressure is great, weight is great (15-16 pounds gained so far), and she was quite the show-off. Every time my doctor would start to put the Doppler on to get her heartbeat, she would do one of her stretches, and "kick" it off. I was measuring small, so my doctor had me get another ultrasound to make sure that she was growing OK. U/S tech said she's healthy, just little. She measured her at about 6 pounds, 2 ounces, which is apparently in the 19th percentile. So we have a little one on our hands, but I figure as long as she's healthy, I don't mind!

My doctor let me know that if I was still pregnant next week, then I would be put on the schedule for an induction that weekend (October 3-5). So it looks like it will be a little less than 2 weeks (at the most) before the little squirt is here! It's so surreal to have a "date" set. I'm so excited, but even more anxious now. I started to pack my bag tonight...but there's so much stuff that I will need up until the time we go to the hospital, I don't feel like I did much. I just have some sweats, t-shirts, hoodie, undergarments, slippers, and flip-flops in there now...what else do I need?? I can at least pack the video camera, but I can't pack my still camera until that day...

I'll post 39 week photos tomorrow...


Miller Mommy said...

I know that it isn't good as a Christian to be jealous but man alive you got a gem of a husband!! He spoils you terribly and that is awesome!!! I bet you just squealed in delight when you saw that diaper/tote bag didn't you???

Anonymous said...

Awww hubby is awesome! He has great taste too!

I'm so glad Maddy will be here soon! I can't wait to mett her too!
Take it easy momma to be :)

Lindz said...

I seriously want to be you when I grow up! You are not only the most stylish pregnant girl ever, now you will be the hippest mommy too (well, that went without saying) but thank you daddy. I love it!

Lainey-Paney said...

so cute!